Great news! We’ve added a free phpFox Trial Version so you can fully test the phpFox script on your own server before purchasing.
Our new trial version is the same script you would be purchasing. If you love it, all you’ll need to do is pay when you get a notice before the end of your trial period and you can keep what you’ve already set up during the trial. You’ll just need to unlock it via a simple process after purchase.
Should you decide it’s not right for you, during the trial, no problem, the script will be disabled and you should delete it from your server.
Since we are adding a trial, we have changed our refund policy going forward. Those that purchased before the trial licenses started will still have the same 30 day guarantee that was in place for your purchase. Anyone that purchases after our trial is enabled will not have a refund period as the trial gives 14 days to fully test the script. The only exception to this would be if you are unable to install the script to your server after purchase and if you purchase install, if our team is unable to install. This requires the server meets our requirements.
#socialnetworkscript #phpFox #freetrial